With the holiday season in the Northern Hemisphere fast approaching, we decided to pen our top 6 tips for running on holiday. Besides the lure of sleeping late or overindulging at the breakfast buffet, getting out on new trails or roads is something refreshing! 

With a family of 4, my wife and I enjoy getting out and getting some exercise in before the kids wake up, the easiest is running. Running on vacation is incredible, new views, new routes and the option to see additional spots earlier before the tourists get there! Pack your shoes, some running kit and take your phone along for the journey, here are our 6 top tips!

1. Plan

You know where you are going, you know what the temperature is going to be, so plan your kit accordingly! Rinse your kit after your run in the shower or basin and they should be good to go for the next day… If you like, take 2 shirts, then people won’t worry about you wearing the same thing every day!

2. Set a vacation goal

Have something to aim towards on your holiday, if it is running every second day or to run to a destination in the area, make it something fun and attainable during your stay. 

3. First things first

Yes, get up and get out… We generally leave the kids sleeping in the room and sneak out for a run, it might be 5km or 15… but as the summer heat sets in, it is good to know you have been out and done something before smashing the breakfast buffet!

4. Plan your runs

With modern tech and several websites, you can now plan your run to the millimetre. You can also use this to find common routes in your area, which gives you the peace of mind that you shouldn’t get lost. We use this to find our way to landmarks or tourist spots so we can see them before they get busy in the late morning or afternoon!

5. Take money, water and your charged phone with you

Yes, even with modern tech, we still can get lost… So have some money on you, charge your phone and take some water with you. The additional heat just might catch you and you will be thankful for it!

6. Pause and take photos

But of course it’s still a holiday! So take that break, slow down when it’s hot or just because you feel like it. And take that selfie at the Eiffel Tower and that photo of you running past that beautiful church.

Enjoy the break, comeback with that amazing brown tan and well rested, but without loosing sight of that late season goal!

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